STASIS: disentangling from and transforming the circumstances we find ourselves in.
In this exhibition (it’s no) drama explore perceptions of limitation, future possibilities and social relationships. The ideas are presented abstractly through interaction with ropes and material structures using the creativity and imagination of the (it’s no) drama ensemble.
Directed by Samara Cunningham with artistic collaborators, photographer Lauren Murphy, costume designer Mayumi McPhee, rope artist Sarah Parkes and guest circus artist Tara Silcock.
Stasis has been made possible with support by Creative Victoria, Regional Arts Victoria and the South Gippsland Shire Council. (it’s no) drama is mentored by RAWCUS.

It was incredibly rewarding collaborating on this project with (It’s no) drama. The wonderful clip below by Luke McNee beautifully explains the project and its creation. Give it a watch :)
Behind the scenes stills taken at Wonthaggi Arts Centre